ExoYs Crux Tracker
Simple indicator for the amount of Crux you have.
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This addon provides full customizable but minimalistic indicator for the number of crux you currently have. The displays are kept static to reduce any visual noise on your screen. If you are looking for a more animated ui check out the Crux Counter by g4rr3t.

Minimalistic indicator showing when your crux will run out.
(Patch 9.0.6 introduced a 30s duration)

Sound Cue

The addon provides sound cues for two situations:
  • You reach 3 Crux
  • You cast a Crux Generation Skill, while already having 3 Crux

Crux Coach (Beta)

The Crux Coach is aimed to help you with further optimize your crux managment. It can be displayed live with a small UI live during combat or in a chat output after each fight.
It provides a counter for each combat of:
  • Premature: How often you cast a crux consuming skill when not having 3 crux.
  • Overcast: How often you cast a Crux Generating Skill, while already having 3 Crux active.

Known Issues:
  • "Premature Casts" will not be counted when you have no crux active at all.
  • Losing Crux to due the timer running out, is counted as "Premature Cast" (in and outside of combat)

Note: In theory the crux coach provides a nice way to improve your arcanist performance, especially damage dealers. However, I dont know how usefull it is actually going to be. I will wait for community feedback before deciding, if I will develop the feature further.
