
Alternative Attribute Bars 作者: buldezir

Just a little restyle of original hp/mp/spfull support of gamepad modeBulDeZir#1079https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributesPLEASE SUBMIT ISSUES/REQUESTS here: https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributes/-/issues

Medusa - OUTDATED 作者: Aaxc

Medusa Trial helperRequired Add-Ons:LibAddonMenu-2.0As this addon has been on life support for last two Chapters, I'm stopping support for it and might remove it. Thank you all, who used it over all these years.As per popular demand, I updated with

Votan's Quickslot Copy 作者: votan

DescriptionAllows you to copy all five quickslot menus from character to character.First save a template (per quickslot) from your source character, switch character and apply that to the quickslot of your current character.This addon also activates t

No More Sticky Wheels 作者: M0R

This addon will stop you from changing the quick slot wheel while in combat.It is a small addon intended only to stop the bug where the quick slot wheel would get stuck on the screen after switching in combat.

Slip's OffTaunt 作者: SlipperySoap

This add-on allows the blocking of taunts for individual bosses and mobs.It will not prevent hitbox issues, but if the target is under your reticle when pressing taunt it will block it.In the settings, "On" means blocking taunt for that specific target.