
Alternative Attribute Bars 作者: buldezir

Just a little restyle of original hp/mp/spfull support of gamepad modeBulDeZir#1079https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributesPLEASE SUBMIT ISSUES/REQUESTS here: https://gitlab.com/teso-addons/alt-attributes/-/issues

No More Sticky Wheels 作者: M0R

This addon will stop you from changing the quick slot wheel while in combat.It is a small addon intended only to stop the bug where the quick slot wheel would get stuck on the screen after switching in combat.

Fancy Action Bar 作者: andy.s

This addon shows both weapon bars and tracks durations of your active skills. Its main goal is to be as lightweight as possible and fine tune each tracked ability to show only most useful effects.Features1. Highlighted active skills and current weapon ba

Lawful Necromancy 作者: muh

With the introducton of Criminal Acts on certain Necromancer abilities, there have been a lot of accidental summons in cities and villages across Tamriel. This addon is meant to prevent use of summoning abilities in open world content. As well as Werewolf

WeaveDelays 作者: Psiioniic

--- requirements ---LibAddonMenu (2.0)--- how to ---Shows delays between skills and missed light attacks in your rotation during and after the fight.delay bar:shows the delays between the last few casted skills and light attack status:M: key not press

Medusa - OUTDATED 作者: Aaxc

Medusa Trial helperRequired Add-Ons:LibAddonMenu-2.0As this addon has been on life support for last two Chapters, I'm stopping support for it and might remove it. Thank you all, who used it over all these years.As per popular demand, I updated with

Dressing Room CP 2.0 Extension 作者: ownedbynico

Dressing Room CP 2.0 ExtensionThis addon adds support for the new CP 2.0 system. It's not a standalone addon though, so you need Dressing Room to use this. It will not work without. I tested it with Dressing Room for Stonethorn.However, this is an earl