Dressing Room: Which variant is right for me?

There are currently three different branches of the Dressing Room family tree.
  • Dressing Room 2015 - This is the original Dressing Room, with nothing more than API version bumps. On the front-end, this version lacks multi-page support, and on the back-end, this version lacks the more robust skill handling of the newer branches. While it may have a deceptively recent date (due to the frequent version bumps), the code base in this branch is the oldest.
  • Dressing Room 2018 - This is the version you are looking at right now, and was formerly known as "Dressing Room Reborn". Skill handling was revamped in this branch and there is support for multiple pages. Recently, in 2022, this branch was updated to save data using character IDs, to avoid the problems arising from renaming characters or characters on multiple servers sharing the same time.
  • Dressing Room for Stonethorn - This is the newest branch and was originally derived from the 2018 branch. Today, it contains most of the improvements in the 2018 branch (minus the most recent character ID improvements), plus a significant number of new features and functionality.

So, why would anyone choose to go with this 2018 branch? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." It works well enough for me, and I personally don't like the excessive feature creep in the newer "Stonethorn" branch and prefer the relative simplicity of this branch. With that in mind, people who are seeking more functionality should definitely look elsewhere, at either the newer "Stonethorn" Dressing Room branch or Wizard's Wardrobe.

Warning: You can "upgrade" between branches, but do not "downgrade" them. For example, if you are currently a user of the "Stonethorn" branch, you may lose data if you "downgrade" to the 2018 or 2015 branches.

Old Description

This is an updated version of dividee's Dressing Room addon, with compatibility fixes for Update 17 and new features!

Dressing Room allows you to save your action bars and equipped gear items as unique sets. You can then equip any saved set, including gear and both action bars, with the press of one customizable hotkey.

Dressing Room Pages

New in version 0.9.0 is the support for multiple Dressing Room pages. To create a new page, simply click the "+" button in the upper left corner. The new page will, by default, be named after the zone that you are currently in, but you can rename the page by clicking on the name.

If you enter a new zone whose name matches that of one of your pages, Dressing Room will automatically switch to that page; this behavior can be disabled in the settings.

Dressing Room and Update 17

Warning: The fix in 0.7.0, released on the morning of 2018-02-12, was incomplete. Version 0.8.0, released shortly after noon on the same day, is a more complete and comprehensive fix for the overhaul of the game's skill ID system.

Note 1: Version 0.8.0 will correctly migrate old Dressing Room data under two scenarios:
  1. Untouched pre-Update 17 data will correctly migrate to the new data format under 0.8.0
  2. Untouched pre-Update 17 data that had been migrated under 0.7.0 (which was live for only a couple of hours before being replaced by 0.8.0) will correctly migrate to the new data format under 0.8.0
If you had updated the game to Update 17 and then saved or changed your saved skill bars using a version of Dressing Room prior to 0.8.0, those altered skill bars may not migrate properly to the new format. You will have to manually re-do those skill bars. But for all skill bars that were saved prior to Update 17, they should migrate properly to the new format.

In short, users with pre-Update 17 data who just updated to Dressing Room 0.8.0, everything should "just work".

Note 2: Also note that if your character did not have all 5 of the guild skill lines (Mages, Fighters, Undaunted, Thieves, and Dark Brotherhood) unlocked prior to Update 17, some of the guild skill will be incorrect. Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to account for this scenario and transition the data, so those specific skills will need to be manually adjusted by the user.
