Going too soon to the daily writ Quartermaster, again?
This simple status bar tells you whether you are good to go to Quartermaster to turn in your daily crafts.

Color Coding
Green - craft done, you can turn the quest in
Yellow - all remaining items can be fetched from your bank
Yellow - items are available* in your bank, but in low quantity (3 or less, see below how to change the threshold)
Orange - craft done, but requested alchemy/enchanting materials are missing in your bank
Red - visit crafting station

Optional research tracking (see addon settings)
Blue - research slots available
Blue - research slots available AND researchable items available (backpack and bank only; locked items are not counted)

The bar appears automatically when you start doing daily writs, and disappears when you are done (some optional features may prevent it - see addon settings).

You can click the bar to see what's left to be done and check the stock*.

Additional features for daily crafters:
- low material stock warning
- status of selected materials from inventory and mail
- hirelings mail looting
- survey statistics and survey picklist
- simple tracking of daily quest reset, free backpack space and riding training
- tracking of free research slots

Libraries to download (optional but highly recommended):
LibAddonMenu (for addon settings)

Supported game clients: English, German, Russian, French, Japanese (some text for additional features is not translated yet.)

Chat commands:
/dcsbar setlow N - sets the low quantity threshold to N, per account (quest items)
/dcsbar help - displays all available commands

* This is just for items requested directly in the quest, if stored in bank.

Moving the bar
If the status bar is visible, right-click the smithy (anvil) icon, select the Unlock command from popup menu and drag the icon.
If you want to save the position for good, right click the icon again to choose a command to either save it for this character or as default for your account.

If the status bar is not visible, type /dcsbar unlock in chat first to unhide and unlock it.

Use "/dcsbar help" for more commands.

Quick stock and low stock warning
You can display "quick" stock for materials and raw materials, right-click the smithy (anvil) icon to toggle these features.
Material shortages will be underlined (the default minimum is 50, you can set it per account and/or per character).
If you use the low stock warning option in the add-on settings, material shortages will always show up, regardless of whether you use the quick stock feature or not.

You can add up to 12 custom materials to the display, each with its own low and high stock (use the addon settings, or run the chat commands - use "/dcsbar help" for more).
There are 6 slots for account-wide materials (best for Oko, Violet Coprinus etc.), and 6 slots separate for each character (best for your character special needs, eg. master crafters or lower tier crafters)

- The stock and the shortages are only displayed if you start doing writs - use the "Always On" feature to change it.
- Automatic materials shown are based on current character crafting skills, materials for consumables crafting are not shown - use Custom Materials if you need these.

Mailbox stock and hirelings mail looting
You can temporarily update the stock display with materials from your mail. This might be handy if you have multiple characters that generate lots of hirelings mail, or you are using mail as ... inventory extension. Materials also available in mailbox will have "*" mark next to the quick stock quantity.

You can right-click the quick stock to either scan the mail or extract materials from it (hirelings only; technically this is from all non-cash mail with text "material" in subject).

Occasionally it stutters and stucks (just like the mailbox in the game), so you may need to rerun the commands once you get "aborted" prompt (the commands have auto-restart feature so it should not be a common problem).
Please note that counting will mark all of your mail as "read".

Use "/dcsbar help" for chat command equivalents.

Survey statistics and survey picklist
To quickly stock up on materials, I reset surveys. If you store surveys in bank and only use them when you have at least a bunch of them in specific location (and reset by moving a short distance away), this on-screen survey statistics might help you find the best survey stack and fetch it automatically from bank.

Once you start using a survey stack, an extra yellow figure will appear showing how much surveys you have left in current location.

Right-click the smithy icon to toggle the survey feature.

By default, the survey strip shows 3 figures for each crafting type:
- total number of surveys
- best survey (ie. most surveys in one location)
- best survey in Craglorn (as these give extra profit from nirncrux, directly or while moving around to reset)
You can modify this strip, eg. you can remove a figure or add backpack count, 2nd best survey and 3rd best survey - use addon settings (or run "/dcsbar surveyfig" command) for more.

Left-click a figure to get more information about the survey stack.

Right-click a figure to select a command to automatically fetch the survey stack from bank when you visit one or call a banker.
(If you click the total count, a full report will pop up - you can right-click these surveys too.)

The figures come from all your banks (if you use house banks for survey storage, visit any of your houses to initialize the stock first).
