This add-on provides a pie menu (radial menu) for shortcuts to various UI operations, except for slottable items.

- Do you like opening the collection menu every time you summon your favorite assistant or companion?
- Are you tired of typing chat commands over and over again?
- Need a customizable shortcut menu for frequent operations?
- Are you running out of available shortcut keys?

We ourselves really wanted to improve on the above ESO interface frustrations,
so this add-on has been newly developed by Team Calamath.

As a fast launcher, it utilizes the familiar Quickslot radial menu for the next fastest launch after the one-key shortcut.
Your favorite shortcut will be triggered immediately upon the pie menu selection.
Therefore, it is suitable for menu transitions, summoning, and command execution.

The Pie menu is neither a replacement nor an improved version of Quickslot.
It is intended to be used in conjunction to make ESOUI more comfortable.

Needed libraries/dependencies:
This add-on includes the following bundled libraries.
- LibCInteraction (Bundled library)
- LibCPieMenu (Bundled library)
- LibAddonMenu (Version 2.0r34 or later)

- Supports the following UI shortcuts:
  • Using Collectibles - Assistants, Companions, Mementos, Mounts, Pets, and Appearances.
  • Playing Emotes
  • Execute Chat Commands
  • Travel to House (inside / outside)
  • Frequently used UI operations - logout, reload UI and Player Menu transitions
- Managing multiple user-customizable pie menu presets
- Gamepad mode support
- Nested pie menu with mouse/gamepad buttons.
- English and Japanese language support.

Stibbons : "I can confidently recommend this pie menu, my lady."

Instructions for general users:
(1)Register a shortcut key for this add-on. (page 2 of screenshots)
(2)Go to the Add-on Settings menu and set your preferred function for each slot in the Pie menu. (page 3 of screenshots)

Press and hold the shortcut key to bring up the Pie menu.

Note that:
You need to hold down the shortcut key for at least 250msec to bring up the pie menu. (Adjustable)

Questions & Answers
  • How do I create a Chat Command Shortcut?
1. Open the Pie Menu editor and select a preset and slot.
2. Select Action Type "Chat Command"
3. Select Category "(Immediate Value)"
4. Select the text entry box for Value and type "/<chat command>" meaning type slash and the actual command you want to input to chat.
Note: "Say" and other communication commands do not work.
(special thanks to: ignisferrum and Akopian Atrebates)
