FCO Gamepad Button Textures
This addon will allow you to change the PC's gamepad button textures from Xbox One to also PS4 or PS5.
Everywhere in the game where the replaced xbox texture was shown your selected texture (ps4, ps5) will show then.
Not all textures were replaced, only the most needed ones.
All textures areprovided by the game itsself, I did not add or change any of them!

Changing the textures the first time might work "at once" but it still could bring up wrong textures!
A simple reloadui or logout does NOT work! EXIT the game please, and delete this file.

What is this "live" folder and this ShaderCache.cooked file?
Your /live folder is the folder 1 level above your AddOns folder. You can find it like described here:
How to find your live and AddOns folder
-> Below headline "Where do I need to install/extract the addon zip files to? Or what is the "/live" folder?"

This file keeps the textures cached and if you do not delete it it will show you the old, cached textures ingame!
So after changing the gamepad textures from xbox to ps4 or from ps4 to ps5 and so one, you MUST exit the game and
delete this file. Else your textures ingame will not change!

Here is a how to delete the ShaderCache.cooked file:
What is the ShaderCache.cooked file and how do I remove it?
-> Below headline "Why are images/textures the addon provides are not shown/are invisible ingame?"

How do I change the textures ingame:
Use the following slash commands in your chat editbox and press the return key:
/fcogpbt_xbone To change to XBOX One textures (default ESO PC gamepad textures)
/fcogpbt_ps4 To change to Playstation 4 controller textures
/fcogpbt_ps5 To change to Playstation 5 controller textures
/fcogpbt_xbsx To change to XBOX X textures

If you change the texture type via the slash commands it will tell you how many textures where changed and what is active now.
As you login the last chosen textures will be used to replace the default XBOX One controller textures automatically.
If you try to re-change to the same texture type it will tell you that and do nothing!

The information is provided as on screen message + sound as well as a text in your chat.

Please remeber to EXIT the game and DELETE the live/ShaderCache.cooked file properly if you have any trouble with the textures not changing!
If for example you have changed the textures before and logged out, login next day and they show XBOX One buttons again: Logout and delete the file live/ShaderCache.cooked again! At best delete it after each logout if you experience problems.
