This AddOn allows you to save and manage your action bars into presets for your characters and companions.

You can manage all your presets via the Skills Window.
Fast switch between your role and game mode: Tank, DPS, PVP, Healing, AOE, etc.

  • Saving a Preset:

    After you setup your action bar, click on Plus icon located in the top and right of title. Give your preset a name, select an icon, and hit save. Your action bar skills will be saved into a preset and you can be loaded onto your hotbar anytime. (Must be out of combat)

  • Loading a Preset:

    To load a preset of skills you made, open your Skills Window, scroll through the list of presets until you find the one you want. Click the Preset Name and you are all set.

  • Edit/update a Preset:

    Click the settings icon next to the Preset Name. You can change the name, icon, and refresh the skill abilities to import your current hotbar.

  • Delete a Presets:

    Click cross icon located on the top right corner of preset in list. You delete this item whithout any questions.

  • Modify presets position in list:

    Click on modify presets list icon located in top right of presets list. You will enter in edit list mode where you can change preset position in list

  • Import and Export preset to text string:

    Click the settings icon next to the Preset Name. Press "Import/Export" button for Open Import And Export Window.
    Press "Generate Export" for create text string in exporting format.
    Press "Import" for apply data from text string to Opened Edit Preset Window

  • Quick apply single ability of selected preset from ability slot:

    Enter the mouse cursor on the preset in the list and click on the desired ability slot

Special thanks for all authors of add-on: Swap Skills Continued: HulkSmashWarrior/Garkin/NathanaelTheOne/Ayantir/Calia1120
Special thanks for Irniben import/export idea
