
For a list of features, click here.

After the release of 3.6.x your MMxxData.lua files are no longer used. They are for importing data only.

Shop all of Tamriel with Beam Me Up and Bonanza. Master Merchant is not just for high end traders anymore. If you are shopping for the best deal you can find it in the Bonanza window.

NOTE: I am not able to provide an EXE or website like TTC due to financial limitations.

Master Merchant 3.0 Documentation

You can read about Master Merchant 3.0 at this website for Master Merchant.



Current Development

I had set out to first revise the SavedVariables so the mod loads data faster. While the saved variables files do use less space there is more data stored. You may not experience a decrease in load times. That was the main focus of 3.6.x however, there are other features and improvements.

- Import ATT Sales and Purchases
- Import MM Sales and Purchases (ShoppingList)
- NA and EU data is stored separately
- Bonanza, tracks items listed on traders you visit
-- The Bonanza data is used to calculate an average price of the items seen at other kiosks
-- Bonanza items can be filtered by name, type, and known or unknown. For subtype such as Divines, Praxis, One-Handed use the search box
- BeamMeUp can be used to travel to the zone the trader is located in. With the usual restrictions of course.
- Purchases are now part of the MM window and the standalone ShoppingList is no longer needed (Purchases can be imported)
- The MM window will now show posted and canceled items you list on your guilds traders
- Some Master Merchant settings moved to LibGuildStore settings menu
- Various performance improvements
- Choose from the MM Price, TTC Price, or Bonanza Price for the Deal Calculator
- Choose from the MM Price, TTC Price, or Bonanza Price when replacing gold values in inventory

Logoff Notification!

LibHistoire has not linked your history yet! If you close the game now, you will lose any progress and have to start over the next time.

If you have seen that message then you have been missing valuable sales data because you have not read the documentation linked below.

3.6.x Beta testers

Thanks to all the 3.6.x Beta testers. Hopefully with their feedback this will be a smooth process to upgrade and start using the new features.

Stabbitydoom, Drifterella, Dolgubon, chrisstty77, Jatallexi, longxboi, Monops, Arakiel, furtivestar, Trippet, Nexasaurus, Elf_Kin, Empressluna, metagamerx, That Guy With the Psi, Tsuyashu, Alaric, Gandalf_72, Gorak, icestorms, LexLanturn, Lonestar2911, MarzhinGwyls, Priscilla, Zortiiz.

Hopefully I didn't miss anyway, if I did let me know.


Because this version is being rewritten you should always backup your sales data prior to updating Master Merchant 3.0. I will not be responsible for lost data historical or otherwise.

Permissions and Credits

I was given permission to work on MM by Philgo and maintain the project. In addition to that the following text below is the license that is included with MM which grants the use of the code as long as the license is provided. I will be respecting the license given and do not take full credit for MM. Original credit goes to its original authors.
Lua Code:
  1. -- Copyright (c) 2014 Matthew Miller (Mattmillus)
  3. -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
  4. -- obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
  5. -- files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
  6. -- restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
  7. -- copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  8. -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
  9. -- Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
  10. -- conditions:
  12. -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
  13. -- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  14. -- MasterMerchant Namespace Setup
  15. -- Written July 2014 by Dan Stone (@khaibit) - [email protected]
  16. -- Extended Feb 2015 - May 2020 by (@Philgo68) - [email protected]
  17. -- Released under terms in license accompanying this file.
  18. -- Distribution without license is prohibited!
