Simple addon to calculate profit on the fly, subtracting Listing Price and Guild fees from your sell price, showing you the total profit you can make:

Usage (in chat):
/profit buyPrice sellPrice itemCount(optional parameter)

Ex: you found 5 worms at 1000 gold each, but want to make sure you flip them for profit if you sell them for 1200 each:
/profit 1000 1200 5
will calculate for you a total profit of 520 gold if you sell all 5 worms.

If you skip the itemCount parameter, it will calculate the profit for a single item.

If you made it this far, that means trading is an important part in your day-to-day gameplay. Come join us in the [Misfits of Mundus] trading guild if you're on EU servers!
Send me an in-game mail (@anufi) if you're interested in joining
