
EasyLootAssistant 作者: gdfou

Easy Loot AssistantVous n'avez pas ESO+ et votre inventaire est toujours plein ?Cet add-on est là pour vous aider !A partir de règles simples, il va automatiquement mettre aux rebuts ou détruire le loot.Mise aux rebuts automatiques.Destruction aut

Dressing Room integration for Auto Category 作者: Xandaros

General InfoAdds a function to the Auto Category filter that allows you to categorize gear that is in one or more of your Dressing Room sets.Signature of that function is:Code:dressingroom(set: number, ...)If you don't provide an argument, it will m

AutoTrans 作者: Petomatick

Automatically opens transmute geodes whenever you loot.No interface, no dependencies.Technical description:Whenever a slot in the players inventory is updated, up to once every 3 seconds, scan the inventory for geodes then attempt to open them. If mult

SetLocker 作者: Xebrox

Do you know the problem: You farm a set and forget to lock the items? When you deconstruct, you just disassemble all the items without paying attention? And already farming was pointless.The SetLocker AddOn locks all items of wanted sets that are added t

Loot Shift 作者: Phinix

Hi all, I’m back and working on addons again. Times are tough and I am desperately in need of financial support at the moment dealing with disability due to a bleeding brain cavernoma and other expenses on less than $600 monthly fixed income. If anyo

Potent Nirncrux Alert - Loot Alert 作者: notnear

Dependencies:LibAddonMenuYes, the surprise of opening your bag after hours of mindless farming thinking you got no potent nirncrux just to realise you actually got some is nice, but if you would want the game to jump scare you with a sound a big red mess

One Key Assistant 作者: [ArMy]RiPPeR

ONE KEY ASSISTANT- [FR] -Tout est dans le titre, cet addon vous offre la possibilité de mapper une touche pour chacun des assistants que vous possédez.Remerciement spécial à code65536 pour le code de base- [ENG] -Everything is in the title, this

GuildBankMule 作者: Xorzoo

with guild bank open, type slash command:Code:/gbmthis will transfer all "Materials" from backpack to current guild bankCode:/gbm.scanthis will do a dry run and print out what will be depositedAdded Roomba support, will kick re-stacking if guild ba