
Smart Looter 作者: code65536

Ever wish you could turn auto loot on when gathering mats, and then flip it off afterwards? Smart Looter is a better alternative to the game's Auto Loot feature that will auto-loot anything that does not consume additional inventory space.If it can be pl

SlimFreeSlots 作者: generic

English:SlimFreeSlots displays your current available inventors space as well as your bank space.Whenever a threshold is hit, it shows you a neat notification - no more suprises 2 steps before a boss, that your inventory is full.With these announcement

ShowTraitOnList 作者: jellyalex978

This addon is show Trait icon on bag list==============================How to manually installDownload and Extract the files to your ESO AddOn folderPC: C:\Users\< username >\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\Mac: ~/Documents/Elder Scr

Shadowfen's Default Guild Bank 作者: Shadowfen

This addon allows you to set which Guild Bank you start off in when you select Guild Bank from the Banker. The original behavior of the game is to open up the Guild Bank for the first guild in your guild list; and then when you change it, the game rememb

SetLocker 作者: Xebrox

Do you know the problem: You farm a set and forget to lock the items? When you deconstruct, you just disassemble all the items without paying attention? And already farming was pointless.The SetLocker AddOn locks all items of wanted sets that are added t