Item Scripting enables you to script and automate many inventory management tasks:

- Junk items
- Destroy items
- Move items in and out of your bank
- And more!

Unlike similar addons, Item Scripting gives you complete control by letting you write your own code. Item Scripting provides an easy to use API for clean and readable scripts.

Have a look at the Github Page for more information.

For example: as you pick up items in the game, you can mark them as junk based on criteria of your choosing. You can also automate the transfer of items in and out of your bank.

Lua Code:
  1. if Item:IsType('Potion','Poison')
  2. and not Item:IsCrafted()
  3. and not Item:IsQuickslotted()
  4. then return Item:Junk() end

Lua Code:
  1. for Item in Backpack:Items() do
  3.   if Item:IsFilterType('Materials')
  4.   then Item:Transfer() end
  6. end
