Contact me for any questions and/or feedback (Either on ESOUI or directly through ingame whisper/mail @XL_Olsen on PC EU).


XL Gear Banker (XLGB) is an ESO addon that strives to combat the tedious task of moving all your gear to another character.
Got multiple healer characters? Multiple tanks? DDs? This addon might be for you!

Before XLGB:
  • Log into character with the gear you need.
  • Go to bank or house storage chest
  • For every gear piece you need, find it in your inventory and manually put it into bank/chest.
  • Log into character that needs the gear.
  • Go to bank or house storage chest
  • For every gear piece you need, find it in your bank/chest and manually withdraw it from the bank/chest.
After XLGB:

- Step 3: Use UI or keybind to deposit all gear pieces at once.
- Step 6: Use UI or keybind to withdraw all gear pieces at once.

One button! Easy!

Demo gif showing XLGB in action! v0.9.3 (NOTE: This is now outdated! This version only had 'sets', but now there's the notion of both sets AND pages - concept similar to dressing room.)


This addon uses the following libraries:

- LibCustomMenu
- LibDialog
- LibShifterBox
- LibAddonMenu2-0

These libraries are required to run the addon.

Known Issues

Changes - Version 1.0.2
  • Option to open 'Page' and 'Set' windows when bank opens.
  • Resizing the 'Set' window.
  • Minor bugfixes

How to use the addon

Browsing sets
  • Open your chat and type in '/xlgb' to bring up the UI.
  • Use the arrows to browse your current sets

Edit sets (change name/remove items from set)
  • Open your chat and type in '/xlgb' to bring up the UI.
  • Press the edit icon (pen and paper thingy)
    • Now you can edit the name label to a choice of your own! (Press the label and edit away!)
    • Add items you currently wear using the button that states it does literally this.
    • Remove items using the 'X' icon to the right of the item you want removed. (If you regret your choice, you can discard your changes!)
  • Now you have a choice:
    • Discard changes by clicking the "cancel icon" that replaced the edit icon. (If you've made changes a dialog will pop up to confirm)
    • Accept changes by clicking the "accept icon". (If you've marked items for removal a dialog will pop up to confirm)
    • Remove the set by click the "minus icon". (If the set is not empty a dialog will pop up to confirm)

Adding new sets
  • Open your chat and type in '/xlgb' to bring up the UI.
  • Use the '+' to add a new set.
  • You now enter 'edit' mode. (Look above for explanation)

Removing sets

See "Edit sets" above at (3.3).

Add items to a gear set

(New in version 0.9.3+)
You can now add all your currently equipped items by opening the ui with "/xlgb", press the edit icon, and press the button "Add equipped items to set".

If you have atleast 1 set you can right-click any armor or weapon in your bank, inventory or even equipped items, an extra item in the drop-down menu will appear reading 'XLGB add >'.
If you hover over this menu you'll see all your sets, and if you click on of the sets the item you've right-clicked will be added to that set.

Remove items from a gear set

Accidentally added an item to the wrong set? Fear not!
As an alternative to removing items through the "edit mode" in the "/xlgb" UI I've kept the old way of removing items.
When an item belongs to a set a new menu item appears in the drop-down menu, similar to adding items, this menu item reads 'XLGB remove >'.
Clicking on one of the sets listed in the sub-menu will result in removing that gear piece from the set again.

Depositing/withdrawing gear

With UI 2.0 you can now deposit/withdraw currently displayed set directly through the UI! Open your bank/storage and the UI will appear with 2 buttons at the bottom of the UI saying "Deposit" and "Withdraw". These will deposit/withdraw the set you're currently looking at, easy as that! As an alternative to the UI, keybindings are also offered in keybindings menu that will deposit/withdraw specific sets.

List of slash_commands

Brings up the UI

Toggles debug mode. (Note: quite verbose)

Prints out these commands in the chat.

Github @

Thanks to ESOUI wiki and other addon developers for inspiration, as this is my first ever addon, I've been reading through alot of code to get me started and help me write this addon.
