Displays cheapest way to craft certain potion, poison or alchemy master writ in its tooltip along with crafting cost, based on LibPrice prices. Changes potions' names and icons to reflect their actual effects and changes their quality color based on crafting cost


Quick Slots:


Guild Trader:

Default crafting cost color:
0-100 - Green
100-200 - Blue
200-300 - Purple
300+ - Orange
Defaults to green color if price can't be found

Currently changes icons for:
-(+Health/+Magicka/+Stamina) potion
-(+Health/+Magicka/+Stamina) poison
-(+Health/+HealthOverTime/+Vitality) potion
-(+Magicka/+Stamina/+Heroism) potion
-(+Magicka/+SpellCrit/+SpellPower) potion
-(+Stamina/+WeaponCrit/+WeaponPower) potion
-(+Unstoppable/+Health/+Magicka) potion
-(+Unstoppable/+Health/+Stamina) potion
-(+Unstoppable/+Detection/+Magicka) potion
-(+Unstoppable/+Speed/+Stamina) poison
-(-Health/-HealthOverTime) poison

You can change the way actual effect names are being "translated" into shorter names in the settings

Special thanks to ziggr, Dolgubon, Marify, sirinsidiator and Baertram for helping me out with the coding part, to everyone who sent me potions so I could write down their IDs (especially @keebleec), to t.vicson for suggesting a layout change, to soft_warrior for submitting russian translation and to Wheels for the idea of changing potions' names is inspired by his addon Samurai
