This add-on allows the user to mark a list of sets, and any duplicates as junk.

Each time a vendor is opened, the mark set items will automatically be moved to junk category in order to be easily sold.

Each time a bank is opened, duplicates are searched (not taking traits into account when searching, but taking them into account when marking as junk) and marked as junk (1 of each is not marked, except rings where more are kept).

## Mentions: @code65536, I used the sets list and part of display from his Itemization Browser add-on

The simplest way to use the add-on is to bind a key to it (is under the User Interface option in controls list). You can also use /setjunker to open the interface.

Then you just press the key, and select the sets you don't want (click on the on/off button). You can also search or see their bonuses on mouse over.

You can also set individual items to not be marked as junk when you turn on the option for a set. Clicking on a set (not the on/off button) will display detailed options for that set.

v 1.3.1
- Added Greymoor sets

v 1.3.0
- Added do not junk option in rarity selector - using it will make the selected item type not junkable (for example if you select "Do not junk" in glyphs rarity selector no glyphs will be junked
- Added option to not junk intricate items

v 1.2.1:
- Added slash command
- Updated API version

v 1.2.0:
- Added option to set duplicates as junk (default off to preserve compatibility) when you open the bank (both in your inventory and in bank). One item of each duplicate is kept, so if you have 2 automaton bracers for example, only one will be marked as junk (the weaker one, taking into account into account if item is locked or not, level of the item, the rarity, and a desired trait). Rings are not automatically marked because you may require 2, 3 or even 4, but you will get a message with the item name to check manually. If a ring is locked the message will not appear. Any feedback is great. Personally I found over 80 duplicate items as soon as I activated it .

Note: Lower level items (under cp 160) are always marked as junk if a higher version exists.

v 1.1.1
- Fixed rare bug occurring when a set has detailed options on but all weapons or all armors are marked as junk

v. 1.1.0:
- Added option to select rarity of items over which the items are not junked any more (is better to deconstruct the legendary items)
- Added option to select individual items than can be kept (for example you want to junk agility inferno staff, but not agility rings)

v. 1.0.2:
- Added default junk list
- Added non set armors, weapons and jewels as junk
- Added items designed to be sold (like ectoplasm) as junk

v. 1.0.1:
- Fixed title bug.

Future developments roadmap:
1. Display icon for deconstruct - Probably many people prefer deconstructing items to selling them, I plan to add this feature for our beloved crafters.
3. Mark expensive items - Ok... so you already got your mother sorrow inferno infused/precise staff. GG. But now you got another... you don't wanna keep it, but destroying would be suboptimal. This should be marked to be sold.
4. Technical possible improvement (needs to be analyzed): Use libsets lib instead of a set list

For any other features don't hesitate to post your requests. I plan to make 1. and 2. during next Saturday if nothing unexpected happens. So... have a great day all .
