PLEASE NOTE: I am currently not able to afford Necrom or a monthly sub. My dad is in the hospital having major surgery again, and all my $600 monthly disability income has been spent on associated bills. I don't know when this will change. Anything anyone can do to help is greatly appreciated, as always. EDIT: Huge thank you to Tibar for gifting me a copy of Necrom!

~Phinix (6-5-23)

LootDrop Reborn

(Click your flag to translate the page. Addon includes in-game support for all listed languages.)

REQUIRED LIBRARIES: LibAddonMenu LibAnimation LibMediaProvider

Addon Description:

This is the original LootDrop, updated for Ascending Tide & High Isle with bug fixes and many new features and options. Includes support for many more loot types, guilds, skill lines, and the new Antiquities, Companion, and Endeavor systems! Pawkette's original LootDrop is a legendary ESO addon which I believe is still preferable to use even now that ESO has included its own built-in version of a loot tracker. It is my intent to maintain a current build that functions with all new game systems and mechanics as well as provide bug fixes and new features (in the spirit of the original author's intent of course).

(Sorry about the first half of this older video & choppiness in general. OBS hates full screen windowed mode).

NEW:Added options to set chat output tab for each individual loot type under Chat Log Options!
(For example, set your gear drops to one tab, group gear drops to another, etc.)

  • MAJOR UPDATE! LootDrop Reborn now includes full loot appearance customization with modular toggles and preview mode for each individual type!
  • NEW: Added a preview mode selection menu which allows you to pick individual loot types to preview while changing settings.
  • Preview now automatically docks with addon settings and returns to your previously saved location automatically when closing.
  • Added name toggle, XP progress/extended progress, prefix/suffix, custom color, custom name, and many other options to each individual loot type.
  • Added new Loot option to show a collection icon next to set drops you have not yet collected, in both the loot window and chat.
  • Added new option to show lore book library progress and per-zone completion status.
  • Added tradeable status icon to the loot window.
  • Added new option to show loot traits in the loot window.
  • Improved value options to always apply to all numerical displays within the loot window.
  • Many improvements, bug fixes, and re-writes of old code to generally improve and optimize the addon.
Type /ldrlock to toggle locking/unlocking the loot window.
Can also set a keybind under LootDropReborn from the game menu -> Controls (Addon Keybinds submenu if you use Votan's Keybinder).

  • Added a new filtering system to select specific types of loot to show/hide in LootDrop and chat separately!
  • Added keybinds you can set under Controls -> Addon/Keybinds to toggle LootDrop filters and chat filters on/off globally.
    (Example: turn it on for writs, and back off to see everything again while questing).
  • Added quality level limits for certain types of loot so when you turn them off, you can still show them if they are above a certain quality level (recipes, crafting mats, etc.).
  • Fixed display of item totals to now show actual total in your bags, not just the total for the current stack.
  • Re-docked LootDrop option tooltips to the right of the settings window for better readability.
  • Moved default preview window position when in options to allow space for the relocated tooltips.
  • Improved tooltips for Lock/Unlock to better describe behavior and mention /ldrlock option for toggling lock outside addon settings.
  • Improved Preview tooltip to explain the LootDrop window is temporarily moved while in options and that you can move it around without changing your saved position.

  • Added new method of preventing duplicate loot items. Method in LootDrop Deluxe used OnUpdate() to do expensive functions which ran every frame, and was fairly performance intensive. The alternative method in LootDrop Reborn is event-driven and very performance friendly. In addition to preventing duplicates, it also enabled some awesome new features (see below).
  • Added item total and value stacking for repeat-looted items. For example when you are doing a crafting survey, instead of just replacing a previous Rubedite Ore entry with the current one, LootDrop Reborn will increment the total Rubedite Ore looted since the item appeared in your LootDrop window and update the value displayed, until your timer expires for that item. Additionally, the value and Guild Trader values are also stacked, according to your value display options (stack value is added per loot if set). What this means is that at the end of looting all the items at the crafting survey, you will see: The total items looted, the total vendor value of those items (per item or per the whole stack looted) and the total Guild Trader value (again per item or per stack looted according to value settings). This works similar to how gold and XP gain values are stacked as you repeatedly acquire them.
  • Added new method of limiting on-screen loot window items, different from LootDrop Deluxe. More accurate + better performance. Can choose anywhere between 1 to 20 items shown at once before others scroll waiting their turn. Items that are scrolled past your limit waiting to be shown will not expire before showing, and instead will display for their full set duration once scrolled in and shown. (Item number and value stacks will be tracked even for items that aren't shown yet.)
  • Added new option to show the number of loot items remaining to be shown (based on your Max Loot Items setting above). Can be moved.
  • Significantly improved performance by adding a 100ms buffer to the OnUpdate() function.
  • Fix for prematurely vanishing loot items (similar to LootDrop Deluxe plus setting expired controls to nil and eliminating _inactive pool altogether.
  • Added new custom icon for Guild Trader value, to differentiate it from the gold value icon.
  • Improved the display of gold and Guild Trader value so the icons appear to the left of the total like with other loot items.
  • Added "g" to the gold values added by the item value settings (vendor and Guild Trader values) for consistency with gold gains.
  • Added option to Value section to show/hide the comma separator when showing both vendor and guild loot.
  • Removed embedded LibAnimation and linked the required library on the addon page.
  • Increased the allowable width of the loot window to allow for longer item names and option strings to show.
  • Added new Preview Mode so you can see example loots scrolling constantly while setting your display options. Enable in addon settings or by keybind.
  • Many other maintenance tweaks and improvements behind the scenes.
  • Added language translations for new setting strings and edited for spelling/grammar.
  • Fully supports Gamepad UI mode.
  • Updated API for Ascending Tide and High Isles clients.

FEATURES FROM 'DELUXE' (Masteroshi430):
  • New ESO Classic visual style featuring alternate icons for several loot types plus many background override options.

  • Added new Skills section for controlling whether to display progress of certain skill trees in the LootDrop window.
  • Added various options for configuration (can hide skill tree name, show extended percent completion text, etc.).
  • Enabling 'World Skill Tree' will show Excavation, Scrying, Soul Magic, Vampire & Werewolf progress.
  • Enabling 'Weapon Skill Tree' will show Two-Handed, 1-Hand & Shield, Dual Wield, Bow, Destruction Staff & Restoration Staff progress.
  • Enabling 'Armor Skill Tree' will show Light, Medium, & Heavy armor progress.
  • Enabling 'AvA Skill Tree' will show Assault, Emperor, & Support progress.
  • Added support for soul gems gained by Soul Trap, Soul Lock passive, or other such means.
  • Added support for gaining a new collectible (like a costume or skin).
  • Added new section to set and configure showing gold value for drops (vendor, guild trader, or both).
  • Added new Chat option to set how group names are displayed in chat loot (character name, account name, or both).
  • Added new option under loot window settings to "Hide Loot Drop GUI" to only show loot results in chat (now also includes a keybind option under Controls).
  • Added new option to show item trait in the chat output.
  • Added event filters to EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE for improved performance.
  • Added full Companion XP and separate Rapport tracking. Can be enabled separately for loot window and chat.
  • Added full support to enable/disable showing all loot types in the loot window and/or chat log separately, so you don't have to enable one to see the other.

  • Added support for discovery of new Antiquity Leads with proper icons in the loot drop window & chat log.
  • Added support for Psijic Order guild progress.
  • Improved guild progress support in general.
  • Added support for Jewelcrafting experience.
  • Added support for Writ Vouchers
  • Added support for Undaunted Keys
  • Added support for Transmute Crystals
  • Added support for Event Tickets
  • Cleaned up the in-game settings menu.
  • Fixed item style not displayed in chat debug output when selected.
  • Fixed extended display experience option showing fractional percentage gains as 0%.
  • Removed dependency on old LibStub and cleaned up libraries in general.
  • Added proper localization with support for French, German, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and English of course. (Need human translations!)
  • Various other cleanup and adjustment.

Below is the original mod page description:

Warning: Spoiler

Gold donations are always welcome!
PC NA: @IllusoryID

Click here to view my other addons.
