Mod for farming run management.
Allows keeping track of multiple virtual material "bags" with statistics and item retrieval.

/glabegin [runName] - start new run with desired identifier for ex. /begin runForGuildFarm
When no name is provided "default" will be used. When name of already existing run is provided then run will be set as currently active

/glaend - end currently active run. Moves all gathered materials from crafting bag to inventory.

/glaclean - clean current run statistics. Useful for ending run without moving items to inventory.

/glaselect [runName] - set run with specified identifier as active.

/glastats - displays list of gathered items and total gold value of active run.

/glalist - displays list of all open run identifiers

/glaworth - displays total gold value of all resources in resource bag

Depends on TamrielTradeCentre for pricing.

Early version, bugs (if found) will be fixed.
If you find any bugs or have feature request msg @blubaxp on NA server

0.1 - 04.03.2020 - first release
0.2 - 05.03.2020 - fix "No empty inventory slots" spam when retrieving items if inventory ran out of space. Add /glaworth command
