CRAFTY Stocklist - The craftbag stock watchlist for your crafting profession

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Watch the videos!

Known bugs (fixed with upcoming releases)

Copy the folder "Crafty" to your eso addon folder.


  • Keep track of your stock during a shopping session at your local vendor. You allways know what you need or what you will need. Be ahead of the next stockmaterial shortage. Without switching to your bag and leaving the vendor waiting for you.
  • You want to know what you allready harvested? See how your stock increases the longer you harvest.
  • See at a glance what golden and valuable craftingitems you have for selling. No more scrolling through categories to find the golden ones.
  • And much more!

Take a look at the upcoming features and fixes in the next release.

  • Moveable interface
  • Autoshow and -hide at vendor
  • Autoupdate of stockamounts (after loot, harvest, mail or vendor)
  • Manually update the stockamounts
  • Open settings from interface
  • All settings, positions and lists are saved
  • Choose background opacity
  • Option to choose overall windowheight
  • Autoheight for watchlist
  • Add materialitems from stocklist to watchlists with one mouseclick. Please bear in mind that you can only choose from items you have currenty in your bags. If you choose an item for the watchlist and later sell all the items they will still be in the watchlist with an amount of 0.
  • Accountwide settings and watchlists
  • Icons! For everthing!
  • Better background
  • Sorting for rows name and amount
  • Minimize mode!
  • (NEW)Tooltips (now for every button)
  • (NEW)Enable / Disable Tooltips
  • Loothistory for craftingitems
  • Tooltips now have profession/type icon
  • Threshold mode! (Filter for watchlists, see changelog and screenshots)
  • Added lootalarms. Define items for alarm via right click dialog (same as threshold). Enable alarms at stocklist (see screenshot). The alarm is positioned above the loothistory. Loothistory will open with alarm. Both will hide after some seconds.
  • (NEW)Add items with mouse left click from the watch- and stocklist to the vendorsearch
  • (NEW)Setting to disable the add item to vendorsearch

  • Optional save the position for each watchlist
  • Optional automatically show and hide a selected watchlist when visiting a guildvendor
  • Switch between three watchlists
  • Alphabetical sorting
  • Remove items from watchlist (leftclick on item)
  • Undo the last removed item
  • Move an item from one watchlist to another (via undo / remove and insert)
  • Open the stocklist
  • Open the loothistory
  • Open the threshold/lootalarm dialog with item right click

  • Close the stocklist
  • Dock the stocklist to the watchlist or undock it and save its individual position
  • (NEW)Keep the stocklist open even if you close the watchlist
  • (NEW)Set a keybinding for the stocklist
  • Select from a huge number of crafting materials (the ones you have in your craftingbag)
  • Use the profession filter to quickly find the needed materials
  • Add item to watchlist (leftclick on item)
  • Open the threshold/lootalarm dialog with item right click
  • Enable or disable lootalarms

  • Define windowheight (in settings)
  • Save position
  • Show looted craftingitems with tooltips
  • Count amount in craftbag
  • Count amount allready looted
  • Clear history (and overall lootamount)
  • Display lootalarm

  • Show or hide the watchlist
  • Show and hide the watchlist at vendor
  • Select which watchlist will open at vendor
  • Automatically close the watchlist after vendor or open the previous
  • Enable saved position for each watchlist (or use the same)
  • Background opacity
  • Windowheight
  • Autoheight for watchlist
  • Accountwide settings
  • Enable / disable item tooltips
  • (NEW)Enable / disable ui tooltips
  • Set height of loothistory window
  • Set duration for alarmwindow and lootwindow on lootalarm

  • Show and hide the watchlist
  • (NEW)Set a keybinding for each watchlist and for the stocklist
  • Update the stockamounts
  • Show and hide loothistory
  • /crafty - Show and hide the watchlist
  • /craftydb - Switch debugmode on and off

(Tested for english language without controller)
