When my inventory is full and I don't have any space in my bank or if I'm in Cyrodiil I always do the same thing: I send random items from my inventory to a friend via ingame mail asking her to send them back so they don't take any space in my inventory. Because I am a lazy person I wrote this little addon to automize the process...

To use it do the following:
- Open the addon options
- Select the trusted friend who will receive all the mails
- Set a subject text for the mails
- Select if the mails should be empty or contain a random Shakespeare quote (the friend I'm sending my stuff to just loves Shakespeare...)
- Select if the addon should tell you exactly which items were sent (instead of just the number of items)
- Select the types of items that should be sent

If you want you can specify a keybind, otherwise just type /mbp in chat. Now after a confirmation dialog up to 6 items fitting the chosen categories will be sent to the pre-selected friend. You can repeat that as long as you think that your friend won't unfriend you for spamming :-) ... Ok, seriously, don't overdo it...

In the options you can also choose to be reminded on log-in whenever you have mails that will expire soon (use the slider to choose how many days in advance you want to get this warning).
