Hi all, I’m back and working on addons again. Times are tough and I am desperately in need of financial support at the moment dealing with disability due to a bleeding brain cavernoma and other expenses on less than $600 monthly fixed income. If anyone can help, or knows anyone that can help, or can possibly feature some of my work on their stream to help drive support my way, I would be immensely grateful. It will help me to continue to bring cool content and updates to you all!


ESO Treasure Box

(Click your flag to translate the page. Addon includes in-game support for all listed languages.)


This addon gives you a handy in-game app to track, sort, and browse through all the treasures in Tamriel!

These are the treasures you find pick-pocketing, stealing, and doing other criminal activities, as well as occasionally from Mirri's treasure bags and other more legitimate sources, and contain interesting and often humorous flavor text and lore tidbits. Normally you would either trash or sell these items at a fence and forget about them. Now you can feel free to browse and read them at your leisure.

  • Toggle between showing only treasures you have found or all available in the game (see video).
  • Sort treasure list by quality, date found, category, zone found, or character found by.
  • Scrolling box of most recent treasures (can filter by quality).
  • Text search the displayed treasure list.
  • Shift-click to link items in chat.

Human translations needed! (Feel free to PM me if you can help.)


Gold donations are always welcome!
PC NA: @IllusoryID

Click here to view my other addons.
