This is a simple addon that should help to bind items more easily which have not yet been unlocked in your collection.

How to use:
When the addon is initialised for the first time, it does nothing without further interaction.

You can use the slash command "/autobind" to open a window that lists all unknown items. For each set, an item with the lowest quality is automatically marked for binding. If you move the mouse pointer over an item, a tooltip is displayed. By clicking on an item you can change the selection or deselect it.

With the slash command "/autobind bind" you can quickly bind all items in your inventory that you have not yet unlocked in the collection. Only one item with the lowest quality is bound per type and set.

If you want items to be automatically bound, see the settings by typing "/autobindsettings" in the chat. LibAddonMenu is not required, but recommended.

Attention - Items that have been locked by the player are ignored in both the listing and binding process.
