Slightly extends the default Loot system without denaturing it.


Why ?

I always try to keep my addons list as light as possible, for best performance, but also to keep the UI as "vanilla" as possible.
I was a LootDrop user, but when ESO added their own loot history tool, I switched to it. I love it, but sometimes I miss some LootDrop options.
So I made this addon to slightly extend the default Loot system without denaturing it.


Updated loot item background
Little change to items background to fit my personnal taste (cloudy bg, like YeOlde - Infos bars)

Customization options
  • Loot display duration
  • Max simultaneous items shown
  • Show loot history while in menus
  • Show world skills XP gain

What's planned next ?
For now? Nothing more is really planned.
I'll add more features (like more XP types) if asked for, but I won't add all LootDrop features for sure.

How to say thanks?

Since I'm spending too much time coding instead of gaming, just send me some golds ingame and I'll be happy!
@YeOldeDragon (NA server)
