Net Worth

Net Worth is an addon that calculates the value of your inventory based on current TTC (Tamriel Trade Centre) market rates to determine an approximate net worth for your account. Market rate pricing can be adjusted in the settings to use average, minimum or maximum pricing data from TTC.

How your net worth is calculated
Net Worth scans all items in each supported inventory location (see below for supported inventory locations) and determines their value using current market rates from TTC. If any item is not eligible to be sold on a guild trader (i.e. it is bound) or TTC does not have a price for it (very rare) then the addon looks for a vendor sale price and uses that for the calculation.

How to run Net Worth
  • From a chat window type "/networth"

  • Tamriel Trade Centre (please do not try to run this addon without TTC, it just wont work)
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0

Supported Inventory
  • Current House Furnishings (Only supports currently occupied house. To get a total of all homes you would need to travel to each and note the value manually). - NEW
  • Current Character Backpack
  • Bank
  • Craft Bag
  • Storage Chests (addon must be run from inside a home for access to chests)
  • Equipped Items
  • Gold on hand (pocket change)

Unsupported Inventory
  • Furnishings placed in all homes (we hope to add support for this in an upcoming release, addon currently supports only one home at a time)
  • All character backpacks (we hope to add support for this in an upcoming release. Current work around is to place valuable items in the bank, a storage chest or consolidate them on a single character to ensure they are included in the calculation)

Important notes:
  • TTC maximum pricing is an unreliable way to calculate a real net worth. It may be fun to see what your value might be if you could sell everything you have for the absolute maximum but it is highly unlikely that could ever be done in reality. The maximum option is added for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you run the addon outside of your home it will NOT scan your storage chests and the "Storage Items" listing in the main window will display 0.
  • The "Equipped Items" listing in the main window can regularly display as 0. This is not a bug, your probably wearing exclusively reconstructed gear which has no sales value.
  • Home furnishing calculations only include unbound sellable furniture items placed in a home. Generally furniture that is bound has no sales value though there are exceptions to this rule. Due to the limited impact this has on total net worth, support for bound housing items may or may not be added in the future.
