
LibAddonMenu 2.0


This AddOn is designed for Support Players who don't want to maintain an Excel sheet of their available gear anymore.
You can track which sets you own across Characters and which would be able to reconstruct with this AddOn.

The AddOn was mainly programmed for the Guild Descendants of the Dwemer (PC/EU) but i offer it to anyone who wants to use it here.

Feel free to report any isues on GitHub

How To

You can select one of the Following set lists in the AddOn settings to track your gear:
  • Default_Healer: Alphabetically ordered list of Healer Gear
  • Default_Tank: Alphabetically ordered list of Tank Gear
  • DOTD_Healer: Descendants of the Dwemer (PC/EU) Healer Requirements
  • DOTD_Tank: Descendants of the Dwemer (PC/EU) Tank Requirements
  • IP_Tank_U33: Invite Pending (PC/NA) Tank Requirements
  • IP_Healer_U33: Invite Pending (PC/NA) Healer Requirements
  • Custom: A list which lets you add gear you want to track
afterwads you can toggle the window eitehr with the button in the settings, the slash command or a keybind to show the selected gear list

Checkmark: Shows that a piece of gear is in your inventory, bank or storage
Color of the checkmark: shows the quality of the piece of gear
Transmute crystal: Shows that a piece of gear is in your collection and can be reconstructed
Empty box: shows that a piece of gear is neither collected nor reconstructed

Slash Command

/dsst - Will toggle the window

  • Multiple Set Lists available (you change the selected one per character in the settings)
  • Account Wide Gear Tracker (You need to log in every character once + 1 Character neeeds to visit your house)
  • Reconstruction cost + Item Tracking
  • Quality tracking for the gear you have
  • KeyBindings
  • Custom Set List with a Drop Down to choose from and the option to add multiple set by seperating them with a comma for example: Spell Power Cure,Master Architect
  • Default list for the Guild Invite Pending (PC/NA)
  • new option to also track 2h weapons to be viable for DDs as well
