Much Smarter AutoLoot (MSAL) gives you full control over your autoloot. It can loot whatever you want and leave those unwanted behind by simply setting your preferences in the addon's filters. You no longer have to loot everything blindly and endure those marked-as-junk things occupying your bag until they are destroyed or sold for hardly any coins. Please note that this addon focuses on pre-configured autolooting, while categorizing/destroying/selling looted items is not part of this addon's function.

This is a rework of Agathorn's Smarter AutoLoot(SAL), a handy and super time-saving addon, yet too many updates in ESO API and bugs without maintenance make it kind of unusable now. MSAL fixed known issues, renewed outdated API, and added plenty of new features, making AutoLoot function powerful again.

i18n support is also added. Any help in the translation is welcome!


Optional Dependencies:

  • Disable game's built-in autoloot
  • Enable the addon, setup the filters as wanted
  • Enjoy looting

Feature Looting Rules:
Always Loot or Never Loot

For All Gear:
Per Quality Threshold or Per Value Threshold, which are both under your control

For Set Gear:
Only Uncollected or Uncollected and Jewelry or Uncollected and Non-Jewelry or Only Collected
And Autobind if needed

For Intricate Gear:
Type-Based Looting, upon all 4 crafting type

For Treasure Map:
Only DLC Zone

For Style Mat:
Only Non-Racial

For Motif, Recipe, Plan, etc:
Only Unknown

For Gem:
Only Filled

For Potion:
Only Non-Bastian Potion

......and more
