Auto-select junk and clear your bag with StorybookTerror's Lazy Deconstructor!

When you interact with Giladil the Ragpicker or a crafting station's deconstruction page, Lazy Deconstructor will automatically pre-select useless items for deconstruction, allowing you to simply push "E" and break them down, instantly recovering precious inventory slots. Lazy Deconstructor doesn't destroy any items itself—it simply pre-selects them. You can always unselect anything you'd like to keep.

Lazy Deconstructor is very configurable, putting you in control of what you'd like selected:
  • Includes Glyphs at purple and lower quality
  • Includes Non-set gear at purple or lower quality (goodbye, Ancestor Silk Robe and Rubedite Axe of Shock!)
  • Includes Intricates when you need them for leveling (can also be configured to always or never)
  • Excludes Ornates (unless desired)
  • Excludes researchable items for your current character
  • Excludes valuable weapons/armor worth more than 1,000g or jewelry worth more than 2,500g (determined by LibPrice, using MM/ATT/TTC pricing - thresholds are configurable)
  • Excludes items used by your armory builds.
  • Excludes crafted gear (hey, I just made that!)
  • Considers your extraction passives: can choose to only decon on your best crafters!
  • Respects FCOItemSaver preferences
  • Set Gear can be optionally included! It only selects "easily reconstructed" sets—that is, sets with a reconstruction cost of fewer than 50 transmute crystals. It also has a configurable trait list (say, all Invigorating armors, or Sturdy for Light Armor).
  • Dungeon Gear: excluded while still in group (trade with others!), included after you disband (nobody wanted it!)

There are also minimum and maximum quality settings, which let you do things like sell white/green armor but deconstruct blue/purple armor, or decon purple armor but keep purple jewelry.

Inspired by Dustman, which let me summon Fezez, hit "E", and instantly have inventory slots. Now you can do the same for Giladil the Ragpicker!

Thanks to Swamp Haven and Alls Faire Trading Guild for testing out pre-release versions of this add-on and finding issues before this went live.

Known Issues and Limitations:
- Gamepad UI is likely not yet supported (and completely untested).
- Mentions selecting items twice (this is harmless other than chat spam)
- Only translated to English for now
- May need more configurability
