Crafting without ESO Plus can be a bit of a chore because of all the inventory management you have to do. This addon seeks to remedy some of that.


This adds a new Restock Bank button to your account bank menu. In short, this deposits the maximum amount of materials into your bank, without using any additional space.

More specifically, for any material that's already in your bank, the addon will automatically deposit as much of that material as it can into the bank, without creating any additional stacks. This means you don't have to configure which specific items will be moved - it assumes that, if a material is currently in your bank and has space in its slot, you're ok with more of it being deposited into your bank.

By default it also automatically opens the material tab of your inventory, allowing you to manually determine what to do with any materials that weren't restocked. This can be turned off if you wish.

Settings available
  • Allow non-materials: Also allow any stackable item to be restocked, including consumables, surveys, and so on. Off by default.
  • Automatically open materials tab: Automatically opens the materials tab of your inventory when restocking. On by default.
  • Keybind: Lets you choose whether restocking should be bound to the quaternary UI action or a custom keybind. Defaults to quaternary action.
You can also use the /rbm command to access the settings.



Currently this will not handle the ESO Plus expanded bank space, since that's actually considered a separate inventory, and I can't test it without having ESO Plus. (Though if you do have ESO Plus, you likely don't have much need for this addon anyway.)

The "Automatically open materials tab" feature does nothing in gamepad mode. I'll look into this if there's demand for it.

The addon uses a very inefficient method for determining which bank slots to transfer to. In my testing I never noticed any performance drops, but please let me know if this is an issue for you.

If you like addons that automate tedious crafting-related processes, you may also enjoy Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter. (Not mine and not related to this addon, I just think everyone should know about it lol)
