Gold Ledger

Gold Ledger was inspired by Ledger, and serves as a detailed gold manager for ESO. There are a handful of gold managers available on ESOUI of course, but few offer the features that come packaged with Gold Ledger in such a clean and precise manner. Focus has been devoted to making the interface user friendly. There are built in UI elements (optional) for navigation between common game menus and the ledger itself. Gold Ledger comes with various filters for your transaction history and serves as an ideal solution for quickly managing your in-game finances.

A full list of fixes, changes, and additions to Gold Ledger will be documented in the changelog for review at any time. Screenshots are also provided should you want them.


Never lose track of an important transaction again!

Accounting needs done, even in video games. Because if you're not rich then you're poor, right? And to prevent that we keep track of our money to make sure that we're not a loser. While you're having fun is not the time to do that, however. So, what are we to do? How do you have fun and prevent countless hours of meticulous manual accounting? I gotchu, fam.

• Step one: Install this addon with a smile.
• Step two: Behold! There is no step two. You might be done.

• Gold Ledger will keep your transaction history safe and keep you properly informed.
• Whenever there is a new transaction, whether incoming or outgoing, Gold Ledger will keep track of it all.
• Gold Ledger keeps an eye on bank deposits as well.
• History will survive a UI reload or relog (even if you are disconnected by the server).
• Depending on your settings, Gold Ledger will display an inventory menu icon (optional). [NEW!]
• Let Gold Ledger handle the responsibility of logging your transactions!


You will likely open or close Gold Ledger often in future to review history - so I would recommend you set a keybind for this action.

• Gold Ledger - Show/Hide



• Track what is collected, what is spent, and what events are correlated with the transactions.
• View all your transaction history within a neatly organized window.
• Left click the main window icon to reposition the main window.
• Middle click the main window icon to open the addon settings. [NEW!]
• Right click the main window icon to open your inventory menu. [NEW!]
• Left click the main window Inventory button to open your inventory menu. [NEW!]
• Left click the main window Settings button to open the addon settings. [NEW!]
• Left click the Bank Balance button to toggle your personal banker assistant. [NEW!] - *See note #1.
• Left click the Bag Balance button to open your inventory menu. [NEW!]
• Localized for English (EN) and German (DE) clients. [UPDATED!]


• Ability to toggle the addon's inventory menu icon. [NEW!]
• Note #1: Choose your preferred banker assistant within the addon settings menu. Options include Tythis Andromo, Ezabi, Baron Jangleplume, and Factotum Property Steward. [NEW!]
• Ability to choose if using the bank balance button hides the main display window or not. [NEW!]


• Any character.
• Specific character.
• Bank.
• Ability to filter events by searched text (reason).
• Ability to merge any similar events into one entry.
• Last 1 hour.
• Last 1 day.
• Last 1 week.
• Last 1 month.
• Last 1 quarter.
• Last 1 year.


• Optionally show the icon inside of the inventory (addon settings). [NEW!]
• Never forget about another purchase or deposit again!


• All addon console commands can be viewed inside of the addon panel for documentation & reference. [NEW!]


• /goldledger - Opens the main Gold Ledger interface. [NEW!]
• /gl - Main interface toggle. [NEW!]
• /ledger - Main interface toggle.
• /l - Main interface toggle. [NEW!]
• /gls - Opens the settings panel. [NEW!]


• LibAddonMenu 2.0 / (Seerah, sirinsidiator)
• LibAddonKeybinds / (merlight, Baertram, votan)


• haggen for the original interface design (Ledger).
• Gold Ledger users for their feedback & content reports.


• Expansions for Gold Ledger are always possible. You can contact me directly via PM to suggest additional features.


In-game, PC - NA Megaserver (@P5YCH3)


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

You are free to:

• Share, copy or redistribute the material in any medium or format.
• The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

• Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
• Non-Commercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
• No Derivatives: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
• No Additional Restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Code Use:

• Any unique code block in Gold Ledger, or any version of said addon whether for a UI element, function or otherwise can not be used, distributed or shared without explicit permission of the current addon author. Any addon that improperly uses unique features of Gold Ledger without direct consent will be reported to MMOUI and the ZAM team. If further violation occurs, the author retains the right to make an Intellectual Property Theft claim.

• By downloading Gold Ledger, you acknowledge that you understand and agree with these license terms.

• Gold Ledger was inspired from Ledger by haggen. All copywrite / development transferred to P5YCH3.

• Gold Ledger developed and maintained by P5YCH3.
