This addon renames the potions which grant you Minor Heroism to "of Heroism" instead of the current "of Magicka" or "of Stamina".
I also colorized the icons for these potions in purple so you can easily see in your quick slot which potion you are drinking.

Initially I created this addon for myself. When my raidgroup started using these potions it bugged me that I could not easily distinguish them from cheap magicka potions. I always had to mouseover them to see all effects. I also wondered why the game didn't use the most powerful effect (heroism) for the name and uses Magicka or Stamina Regeneration instead.
There are other Addons which also change potion names but I wanted the names and icons to fit with the rest of the game. I know there are already icons for the potions but I like the ones I made better. So they fit with the rest of the usual raid potions.

  • I didn't change the tooltip name because this is more complicated and so you can still see the ingame name of the potion
  • If you are looking for the potions in guild traders, you still have to search for e.g. "Essence of Magicka". But it will change the names and icons in the results.

Currently only supports english and german. If you want to help with localization (or if you know a way to get the ingame potion names - so no localization is required) feel free to post a comment.
