Raiding thingies...


This addon provides various features focused on raiding.


Group utility
Utilizes LibGroupSocket to send information about equipped buff sets and the character's main attribute.

Displays the current war horn status (up/down/major force up) and the ultimate percentages of healers/tanks

Contains information about the selected player.
Mundus, BuffFood and equipped 5P Sets.
(By default only displays buff sets; To display every set Itemization Browser is needed)

Raid history
Tracks your trial runs. Open via command or by keybind.

/rthistory - open history ui
/rtresethistory - resets your raid history

Raid overlay
Small window which displays current time, vitality, score, estimated score and -during bossfights- the group single target dps.
Additionally it notifies via chat when the target time or speed run time was exceeded.
Notifies about hardmode activation on mini trials.

Death/Resurrection counter
Tracks deaths and your personal resurrections.
/deaths - Prints deaths (order: DESC)

/resurrections - Prints your resurrections (order: DESC)

Option: Tracking by UserID or character name

Death recap
Prints out the full death recap in your chat.

Leaderboard info
Prints information about the score requirements when entering the weekly trial.
Provides information about the new weekly trial (tuesdays).
Gives you a list with which characters you got your weekly rewards.

Notifies about score/rank changes in every leaderboard (work in progress)

/weekly - Prints weekly trial/challenge
/weeklytochat - Writes weekly trial/challenge to chat buffer

RaidHelper Asylum Sanctorium Needs testing

Graphic information/alerts about timings, mini boss uptimes, enrage level etc.

Death alerts
Audiovisual alerts when someone dies. Highlighted if a tank or healer dies.

- Ready checks with random messages
# /rc - Via chat
# /customrc [message] - Via chat with a custom non-random message
- Raid teleport commands
# /tp[raidshortname] [hrc,aa,so,dsa,mol,msa,hof,as,cr]
- Buff-food checker
- Automatically recharge weapons
- Automatically repair armour
- Auto-enable skeleton polymorph
- Group loot display (set-items only)
- Group notifications
- Group commands
# /disband - Disbands your group
# /regroup - Regroups
- Utility commands
# /home - Teleports to your primary home
