Small addon which can get you some help with vCR. Now It can:
  • Track Roaring Flare, draw alert+timer+arrow to the debuffed Player (like a compass). On the 2nd stage, with shadow Z'Maja, addon send alerts like that: "@PLAYER1 <---- FLARE IN 5 ----> @PLAYER2" - and @player1 go to the left side, @player2 go to the right side. ATTENTION: for the successful split to the sides on the execution stage with that addon-helper all raid members should have it.
  • Track Portal group number and show alert with that number
  • Track Malevolent cores (spheres in the shadow realm) - show when you or anyone else found sphere and when drop sphere to spear.

You can turn on/off Roaring Flare tracking, portal alert and portal group tracking (it need only for portal groups). Also you can change colors or turn on "Always show" to reposition addon frames and zones.

Little Disclaimer
Author doesn't have experience in the LUA programming or addon creating. That addon have dirty code and professional programmist can create much better version. But it works and I created it for myself and some members from my guild... If you are found it useful, you are welcome If you can do it better or have some offers or ideas - same.
