This is a port of Shinni's discontinued ItemPreview after disabling some features that no longer work and modifying some function calls to work with Flames of Ambition.

It does allow you to preview furnishing plans and furnishings in the inventory, bank, guild bank, guild stores, and when sending in the mail. The inbox preview and trade previews did not function due to newer in-game limitations and so have been disabled.

After reports of right-clicking an item causing other addons to duplicate menu entries while this addon is active I've also disabled the right-click Preview and you'll need to mouse-click (single left-click) in order to preview items through this addon.

This addon depends upon the following libraries:
LibTevaPreview (included)

Known "Issues":
NOTE: It is apparently against ZOS policy to preview items linked in the chat window; please do not request such a feature. Items linked in chat may be of types you would be able to preview from within your inventory space so right-clicking the link may show a Preview option, but actually previewing a linked item is not supported. (The resulting error if you do attempt Preview is not generated by this addon but by the game engine because ZOS blocks previewing things when they are linked in chat.)

Ensure that the subfolders LibPreview and ItemPreview are removed from your Addons folder prior to installing this addon since this is basically an update to both the old non-functional library and Shinni's discontinued addon.

Addons such as "No, thank you!" which alter the behavior of cameras may interfere with this addon's ability to function. If cameras do not perform in a standard manner they cannot be used by this addon to show a preview.
