Where Is My Olorime 作者: branddi

Required Libraries and Addons:LibAddonMenu-2.0OdySupportIconsAre you looking to increase your content parses in situations where supports are providing Major Courage via Olorime? Ask your Doctor if "Where Is My Olorime" is right for you.This is an ad

Buff The Group (BTG) 作者: bitrock

A small simple UI that allows you to track buffs across all your group members. Useful as support classes and DPS tracking Powerful Assault, Major Slayer, and other buffs that your group members want.The UI appears when you enter a group zone (Trial, Dun

Sul-Xan's Soul Catcher 作者: Lykeion

A simple addon to monitor the buff of Sul-Xan's Torment Set. It also provides an additional monitor from the spawning of the Vengeful Soul in the upper right corner. The monitor automatically appears when the player enters the combat with more than 3 piec

Greyskull : Weapon / Spell Damage Meter 作者: ghostbane

NEW: - Hybrid modeSelect Hybrid in the settings menu and Greyskull will appear with whatever is higher, Weapon Damage or Spell Damage.Greyskull - Customisable power meterSet coloured rules for specific power levels for visual ques of when one or severa

BSCs-PillagersProfit 作者: BloodStainCHild

Simple addon to Track the new "Ult" set, Pillagers ProfitAutomatical shows up when 5 items of the set quiped.Middle number (white) how many groupmembers in range from the set.Middle number (Red) Countdown when you can apply it to your group again."Ult

Group Buffs 作者: Sordrak

This addon allows the user to add a new component on the display which will display certain buffs, debuffs and other effects that have been applied to group members. The user has to exactly configure what is going to be displayed.Configuration:Global Conf