Siroria 作者: Wheels

Description:Works with both perfected and non-perfected sets!Siroria tracks all important information related to your Siroria set. The main timer is the time remaining before you will drop your next circle, the top right counter is your current stack co

Guard Status 作者: MrPikPik

Adds a small window that displays the status of guard.It shows if and who you are guarding or if you are being guarded by someone.The UI widget becomes visible as soon as you have the guard skill equipped or if someone casts a guard on you.If you are g

Thrassian Tracker 作者: Wheels

IF YOU ARE USING THE GROUP STACKS OPTION, UPDATE HODOR REFLEXES!Simple tracker to show how many stacks of Sload's Call from Thrassian Stranglers you currently have.If you’re using HodorReflexes, you can also enable an option to view the stacks of your

PhinixUI 作者: Phinix

Combat Metronome (GCD Tracker) 作者: Darianopolis

The All-in-one Combat Timing bar.IMPORTANT: I no longer play ESO and can't actively maintain this addon.I have enabled "Allow Updates & AddOns" if someone wants to keep this release working with new ESO API and library changes.Anyone is absolutel

Hyper Tanking Tools 作者: Hyperioxes

Hyper Tanking Tools is a set of trackers and other toolsDependencies:-LibAddonMenu-LibMsgWinDebuff Tracker:Tracks debuffs on current target and up to 6 bosses. You can set it up so it tracks different debuffs on current target frames and on boss frames