Can I Horn?

That is something I've said entirely too often, so I made an addon to help! Can I Horn is a warhorn tracker addon that is simple, and tells you what you need to know with a quick glance! No trying to read a small timer or find the buff in a bunch of others.. just quickly glance at the colour!

  • Green text reads "Warhorn not active" when it's safe to horn.. because there is no warhorn active!
  • Upon warhorn activation, text will change to "Warhorn Active" in red. Don't warhorn during red!
  • If the warhorn was Aggressive Horn, the text will turn yellow once Major Force drops. It may be safe to warhorn if there are a few up!
  • Text only changes if the person who blew the horn, or someone who received it, is in support range. (People in support range show as lit up in group frame area) - Helpful for cases like Hel Ra, where you don't care about the other group when split up.
  • Text font, colour, size and outline are all customizable per warhorn state!

I wanted a warhorn tracker I could use as a healer - green for go, red for stop. Then I wanted one I could use as a DPS - to time my ultimates better. As I lead raids, this became invaluable as I could call out warhorns more efficiently. I recommend you use an ultimate tracker such as the one built into Raid Notifier.

Upcoming Features
These are planned features. I don't know when or if they will make it in, but I'll try!
  • Keybind/Slashcommand to toggle visibility
  • Healer/Tank mode where the word only appears when no warhorn is active, and you have enough ultimate.
  • Customizable timer for colour changes (maybe you prefer to warhorn every 15 seconds)

Once Upon A Time I Was Upcoming, But Now I'm Here Features
  • Colour/Size/Font of the text be customizable (Colour added as of 1.2.0) (Added in full as of 1.2.1)
  • Support for only tracking warhorns of "in range" group members - Added as of 1.1.0
  • Option to show only during group - added as of 1.4.0
  • Optional show only during combat - added as of 1.4.0

What is "Support Range Only"?
Take a look at your group frame when in a group. When someone is too far away from you (or possibly in a different zone) they will appear faded. Anyone who appears faded is outside of your support range. When you have "Support Range Only" turned on, the addon will only change if someone who is within your support range receives the warhorn buff.

Included Libraries
