I adapted this add-on for personal use from Healer BFF by @JRCandeias, which itself is a modified version of Purge Tracker by @code65536.

This add-on tracks the presence of the Major Courage buff in a group window frame by highlighting the users that have the buff present on them. The buff is tracked from the three item sets that provide Major Courage: Spell Power Cure, Vestment of Olorime, and Perfect Vestment of Olorime.

The window will only appear when in a trial instance (including vMA, vDSA, and vBRP) and can be re-positioned by clicking and dragging.

For those interested, these are the internal buff IDs that are tracked:
  • 66902: Major Courage from Spell Power Cure
  • 109994: Major Courage from Vestment of Olorime
  • 110020: Major Courage from Perfect Vestment of Olorime
