This addon allows a food or drink to be easily chosen from inventory and used automatically whenever the player's current food buff is nearing expiration.

To select a food to use automatically, right click on it in inventory and chose the "Consume Automatically" option.

After selecting a food, it will be used immediately if no food buff is active. If a food buff is active, it will be used when the buff is nearing expiration (5 minutes before by default).

The expiration buffer can be changed to anything between 0 and 10 minutes (0 and 600 seconds) using the /grubmasterbufferseconds command in chat (see below).

Right clicking the selected food in inventory again will show an option to stop automatic consumption.

A message will be shown in the chat window when food is used. When the food count reaches 5 or less in player inventory, a low inventory warning will be shown in chat. When food count is 0 and the expiration buffer has been reached, a warning will be shown in chat every minute. This can be turned off by using the /grubmasteroff slash command (see below).

Food or drinks cannot be used automatically while in combat. This is a limitation of the game's API. If a food cannot be used for any reason, it will try again 10 seconds later.

Using any food manually at any time while Grubmaster is running is perfectly fine.

Available Slash Comands:
  • /grubmasteron - Turns auto consumption on if food has been previously selected
  • /grubmasteroff - Turns auto consumption off
  • /grubmastershowsettings - Shows the current settings including food, expiration buffer, and current bag count
  • /grubmasterbufferseconds [seconds] - Shows the current buffer in seconds, or optionally changes it. Can be a number between 0 and 600.

Known Issues:
  • Food and drink items do not show option to autoconsume in gamepad mode. Turn off gamepad mode to select food, then turn it back on.
  • Text is not localized (however, it should work for all locations.)

  • Uses the LibFoodDrinkBuff library by Scootworks, Baertram. (Saved a lot of time, huge thanks!)
  • Uses LibCustomMenu by votan
