Provides synergy cooldown timers for members of your group.

Synergies that can be monitored include:
  • Orbs/Shards
  • Conduit
  • Harvest
  • Purify
  • Grave Robber (Boneyard)
  • Pure Agony
  • Bone Shield
  • Blood Altar
  • Spiders
Slash Commands
  • /gstracker - Opens the Settings Menu
  • /gstest - Temporarily displays a test frame
By default the addon only tracks tanks cooldowns. If you would like to track the entire group you can enable the "Track Entire Group" setting in the addon settings menu.

There are settings included to choose whether to display group member's frames based on role (dps, healer, tank). There is also a blacklist if you would like to exclude specific players

The frames are hidden while you are not in a group and are not tracking anyone

I used Wheels' RaidBuffs addon as a reference to create the frames and UI. Thanks!
