
To give players a clearer indication of their cc state, in particular root state.


When rooted, "ROOTED" shows up in the middle of screen.


It uses event EVENT_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP (eventCode, result) to register entering into root state.

  • result = 19 indicates root
  • result = 18 indicates stun
  • result = 1 indicates heavy attack inc

It uses EVENT_REMOVE_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP, to indicate end of root state.


Another addOn named StunBreak was made alongside this addOn. The color green was chosen to differentiate the rooted status effect from the stunned status effect, when both addOns are used in conjunction.


Only limited testing was performed, some abilities might not register. Possible problems when multiple crowd control effects occurring simultaneously.

Know issue includes the premature termination of the ROOTED graphical indicator when stun is applied. In which case, the STUNNED takes precedence and information regarding rooted effect is lost. Where the player can be in a situation where he is rooted but there is no indicator because the rooted indicator was over written by the stunned indicator, and the player just broke out of stun but have yet to break out of root.

This situation can be avoided by always breaking out of CC whenever indicated, how serious of a problem this is will become more clear with further testing. Should the problem manifest itself in a way that would seriously reduce the functionality of the addOn the code will be updated to address this issue.


@Scootsworks for working with me helping me with writing addons and answering my questions.
@deadpool85 for testing the add on
and people in gitter.


Drag and drop in Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns folder
