This addon is discontinued, it's now part of Hyper Tanking Tools

UI that helps tracking Stagger debuff on bosses as well as Stonefist stacks on yourself.

UI appears only in combat but you can make it appear and move it by typing /stonefisttracker

Above text "Stonefist Tracker":
Purple bar shows remaining time of Stonefist buff on yourself (stones floating around you)
Green dots indicate remaining stacks on your Stonefist buff.

Below text "Stonefist Tracker":
List of bosses with their names and their Stagger debuff uptimes. Colors indicate amount of stacks:
- flashing dark red - 0 stacks
- red - 1 stack
- yellow - 2 stacks
- green - 3 stacks

Planned features (random order):
-customization settings
-tracking uptime not just on bosses, but also on current target

Known issues:
-doesn't track uptimes on minibosses in vCR+3 as the game doesn't consider them bosses

Please report any bugs or suggestions in the comments, so far I haven't tested it much (mostly Sunspire).
Any feedback is appreciated.
