Version 2.11.1 added AegisCaller and FlameBlossom

Version 2.10.0 added U35 Dungeon Sets and Alkosh

Provides usefull information for various sets with active effects!
This addon creates an icon on your screen to indicate the status of your proc sets, cooldown remaining and other usefull information.
The graphical user interface is fully customizable. Icons will only be created automatically when the set is complete. No worries, the addon takes your backbar into account.

Supported languages are english and german, Spanish and russia

Thank you very much GJSmoker for the russian translation.

  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 (link)
  • LibCustomMenu (link)

Supported Sets:
  • Destructive Impact (normal/perfect)
  • Wrath of Elements (normal/ perfect)
  • Void Bash (normal/ perfect)
  • Force Overflow (normal/ perfect)
  • Winterborn

  • Clever Alchemist
  • Mechanical Acuity (atm the green countdown will indicate the time until stacks can be gained again)
  • Spectre's Eye

  • Bani's Tornment
  • Burning Spellweave
  • Crimson Twilight
  • Drake's Rush
  • Hiti's Hearth
  • Hollowfang
  • Icy Conjuror
  • Kinras Wrath
  • Plague Slinger
  • Scathing Mage
  • Tzogvin Warband
  • Z'en's Redress

  • Briarheart
  • Mad Tinkerer
  • Martial Knowledge
  • Shadow of the Red Mountain
  • Venomous Smite
  • Winter's Respite

  • Meritorious Service
  • Powerful Assault

  • Bahsei's Mania (normal / perfect)
  • Berserking Warrior (aka advancing Yokeda)
  • Kyne's Wind (normal / perfect)
  • Lunar Bastion
  • Mantel of Siroria (normal/ perfect)
  • Olorime (normal / perfect)
  • Roaring Opportunist (normal/ perfect)
  • Stone-Talker's Oath (normal / perfect)
  • Sun-Xal Tormenter (normal / perfect)
  • Vrol's Command (normal/perfect)
  • Yolnahkriin (normal / perfect)
  • moondancer (currently disabled)

  • Earthgore
  • Encratis's Behemoth
  • Iceheart
  • Grothdarr
  • Lady Thorn
  • Nightflame
  • Sellistrix
  • Sentinal of Rkugamz
  • Tremorscale
  • Vykosa
  • Zaan

  • Death Dealer's Fete
  • Harpooner's Wading Kilt
  • Thrassian Stranglers
  • Spaulder of Ruins
  • Bloodlord's Embrace

The Addon uses the icon associated with the ability by the client on default. Some icons are used for multiple effects and are not really fitting.

The Addon Lui Extented provides a set of custom icons, which are looking great in my opinion. I recommend checking it out!
Note: The icons will be available as long as Lui Extented is enabled, regardless which modules are used.

Whitelist/ Blacklist

To increase customizability a black- or whitelist can be used to control which sets are tracked.
The lists can currently be managed using the addon menu or by right-clicking an item in the inventory.

Special Thanks to @Lamierina7, as this addon is inspired and based on his work.
Thank you to @BloodStainChild666 for adding the mystical Items.
Thankyou to @MumuQ for adding the dungeon sets of U35.

Recently Fixed
  • the shoulder will now be seen correctly when initializing (login or reloadui) while on backbar
  • ro indicator for affected people now also knows when player use the affect while somewhere else (e.g portal in Cloudrest or Sunspire)

Known Issues:
  • With the Flames of Ambition DLC there seems to be a change in how the game handels jorvuld. So currently buff's duration effected by it (minor and major buffs) are not display correctly.
    For Roaring Opportunist a hotfix was put into place.
  • A wrong indication for Bloodlords Embrace can occur, when multiple player put the debuff on the same enemy and then one of those players puts the debuff on a different enemy
