Originally developed as private addon back when playing Z'en and Martial Knowledge as healer became a thing - hence the name HybridHeal - it since then has grown to a full blown toolkit for healers.

UI elements can be moved in mouse-mode, all settings are saved per character. Use the /ohh command to open the addon settings.




Version 1.8.3 (2020/11/25)
  • Fixed a bug where Minor Berserk tracker overview would show while not beeing grouped


When activated, the trackers for Z'en's Redress, Way of Martial Knowledge, Vestment of Olorime, Winter's Respite, Hiti's Hearth, Kyne's Wind and Roaring Opportunist will show automatically while wearing at least 3 pieces of the respective item-set. The Force Overflow tracker will show automatically when a Vateshran Restoration Staff is equipped.

ON by default

For fights with a single boss, Z'en's Redress will be tracked for the boss itself, for trash-fights or fights with multiple bosses, the debuffs will be tracked on the targeted enemy.

Shows the number of dots applied by you. Border is red if no Z'en debuff is applied, once the target is debuffed, border will turn orange for less than 2 dots, yellow for 2-3 dots and green for 4 dots or more.

ON by default

Shows the remaining time until you can proc Martial Knowledge again. Border is red if the next proc is ready. Once procced, border turns green, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

The amount of your current Stamina is shown in a bar next to the tracker, below 50% the bar will turn green. If you are still above 50% Stamina with 3s remaining time until the next proc, a countdown sound will be played each second. If the next proc is ready and you are still above 50% Stamina, an alarm sound will be played.

ON by default

Shows the remaining time until your Powerful Assault buff ends. Border is red if buff is not active. Once buffed, border turns green, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

When grouped, the number of players currently affected by Powerful Assault is displayed in the top right corner of the tracker.

ON by default

Shows the remaining time until you can proc Olorime again. Border is red if the next proc is ready. Once procced, border turns green, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

You can choose to show a little arrow next to the tracker-icon once the timer is below 3s indicating on which side / group you should proc Olorime on next. Never does not show the arrow at all, Yolnahkriin only shows the arrow when fighting Yolnahkriin in Sunspire, Always shows the arrow in every fight.

ON by default

Shows the remaining time until you can proc Winter's Respite again. Border is red if the next proc is ready. Once procced, border turns green, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

ON by default

Shows the remaining time until you can proc Hiti's Hearth again. Border is red if the next proc is ready. Once procced, border turns green, after the Warming Aura has faded (10s) border will turn orange for the remaining 2s.

ON by default

Shows the remaining time until you can proc Kyne's Wind again. Border is red if the next proc is ready. Once procced, border turns green, after Kyne's Wind has faded (4s) border will turn yellow, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

ON by default

Shows the remaining time until you can proc Force Overflow again. Border is red if the next proc is ready. Once procced, border turns green. If you break the beam, border turns yellow, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

ON by default

Border is red if the next proc is ready. Once procced, border turns green and timer shows remaining time for the Major Slayer buff. Once Major Slayer has faded, border turns yellow and timer shows remaining time until the Roaring Opportunist Immunity has faded, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

When grouped, the number of players currently affected by the Roaring Opportunist Immunity is displayed in the top right corner of the tracker.

You can choose the condition which has to apply to start the Roaring Opportunist timer. Player affected only applies when you received the buff, Player casted only applies when you casted yourself, Both only applies when you received the buff and casted yourself.


For fights with a single boss, Swarm and Off-Balance will be tracked for the boss itself, for trash-fights or fights with multiple bosses, the debuffs will be tracked on the targeted enemy.

ON by default

When activated, the tracker for Swarm will show automatically while having the skill or it's morphs slotted on one of your skill-bars.

Shows the remaining time until you should apply Swarm again. Border is red if target is not debuffed. Once Swarm was applied, border turns green, below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

OFF by default

Border is red if target can be set Off Balance. Once target is Off Balance, border turns green and timer shows remaining time for the debuff. Once Off Balance has faded, border turns yellow and timer shows remaining time until the Off Balance Immunity has faded. Below 3s remaining time border will turn orange.

OFF by default

When grouped, the Minor Berserk tracker shows all damage dealers in a list which can be split into 2 columns. Additionally the tracker can show extra bars at the top and the bottom tracking either Major Courage, Major Slayer, Powerful Assault or Empower for each unit.

Use the lock-button to unlock the window and move it into the desired position.

OFF by default

When activated, the Resource Return Statistics will show automatically when you have Kyne's Wind, Hollowfang Thirst, Sentinel of Rkugamz, Symphony of Blades, Vateshran Restoration Staff or Master's Restoration Staff equipped and track the amount of returned resources during combat.

Use the top button to toggle between overall and average statistics. Use the middle button to print a detailed list of returned resources to your chat-window. Use the bottom button to show a panel with detailed live statistics.


Thanks to all my friends and raidbuddies who helped with testing this addon.
