Hyper Tools is a framework that allows you to create and display graphics that help you track buffs, debuffs and other important information. The addon is somewhat similar in functionality to AuraMastery though my main inspiration was WoW addon WeakAuras2. You can also export trackers to share them with other people and import pre-made trackers

The addon allows you to create Icon Trackers and Progress Bar Trackers, put them inside regular groups

or groups attached to your group members that will follow their movements on your screen.

To all trackers you can add Load conditions (load trackers only when using certain classes, roles, in certain zones, only when certain skills are slotted, only when certain sets are equipped etc.)

and regular Conditions which change tracker's behaviour based on situation (for example hide a tracker when buff's duration is higher than 3 seconds, make tracker glow when duration equals 0, etc)

/htshow - displays settings window
/hthide - hides settings window
/htevent - displays/hides event viewer
/hteffect - displays/hidessettings effect viewer

GitHub Wiki with more detailed tutorials on creating trackers
