The code of this addon has been implemented in PersonalAssistant if you prefer using an all-in-one addon
I'd likely update the code in Personal Assistant rather than this addon but we'll see how thing goes in the future.

This is Grubmaster by aethronx maintained by Masteroshi430.

This addon allows a food or drink to be easily chosen from inventory and used automatically whenever the player's current food buff is nearing expiration, an experience buff food/drink or an experience scroll can also be easily chosen from inventory and used automatically whenever the player's current experience buff has expired.

To select a food/drink or experience buff item to use automatically, right click on it in inventory and chose the "Consume Automatically" option.

After selecting a food/drink, it will be used immediately if no food/drink buff is active. If a food/drink buff is active, it will be used when the buff is nearing expiration (5 minutes before by default), same goes for experience buffs except it is after their expiration (1 second after by default).

Right clicking the selected food/drink or experience buff item in inventory again will show an option to stop automatic consumption.

A message will be shown in the chat window when food/drink or exp buff item is used. When the item count reaches 5 or less in player inventory, a low inventory warning will be shown in chat. When item count is 0 and the expiration buffer has been reached, a warning will be shown in chat every minute. This can be turned off by using the appropriate slash command (see below).

Food, drinks or experience buff items cannot be used automatically while in combat. This is a limitation of the game's API. If a food cannot be used for any reason, it will try again 10 seconds later.

Using any food/drink or experience buff item manually at any time while Grubmaster is running is perfectly fine.

Experience buffs (non stackable between each other) are considered experience buffs and use the same timer:
  • Any Experience Scroll
  • Psijic Ambrosia, Aetherial Ambrosia, Mythic Aetherial Ambrosia
  • Colovian War Torte, Molten War Torte, White-Gold War Torte

Regular food/drink buffs (non stackable between each other):
all other food/drinks buffs are on the other timer, which means you can have experience buff auto consumption and food/drink buff auto consumption running at the same time.

Available Slash Commands
Turns food/drink auto consumption on if food/drink has been previously selected: /grubmasterfoodon
Turns food/drink auto consumption off if food/drink has been previously selected: /grubmasterfoodoff

Turns EXP buff auto consumption on if EXP buff has been previously selected: /grubmasterexpon
Turns EXP buff auto consumption off if EXP buff has been previously selected: /grubmasterexpoff

Shows the current EXP buff settings including EXP buff selected, expiration buffer, and current bag count : /grubmastershowexpsettings
Shows the current food/drink settings including food/drink selected, expiration buffer, and current bag count : /grubmastershowfoodsettings

Shows the current Food/drink buffer in seconds, or optionally changes it. Can be a number between 0 and 600. (seconds before buff expiration): /grubmasterfoodbufferseconds (optional number)
Shows the current EXP buff buffer in seconds, or optionally changes it. Can be a negative number between 0 and -600. (seconds after buff expiration): /grubmasterexpbufferseconds (optional negative number)

Required Libraries:
