
Pet Health 作者: goobsnake

LOCALIZATION'S:REQUIREMENTS:If neither of the libraries listed below are installed, the add-on will continue to work but on a very limited basis.1. LibSlashCommander library required for in-game slash commands.2. LibAddonMenu is required for addon sett

Simple Llothis Interrupt Helper 作者: ownedbynico

Shows a cooldown when to interrupt Llothis in Asylum Sanctorium.This is still WIP.Text me if you have any wishes.

RoaringOpportunist 作者: tmbrinks

Simple add-on to track whether you are on cooldown to apply roaring opportunist. Shows the duration of Major Slayer gainedTwo timers to track for the full group.Known Issue: The timing can get slightly off while counting down, so sometimes applying RO

Cooldowns - HT Update Branch 作者: hacktank

This is an updated version of the excellent Cooldowns addon created by g4rr3t. Original link: https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info2164-Cooldowns.htmlIf there are any other sets that you want added, go ahead and request. Ill get to them when I can.This b

Siroria 作者: Wheels

Description:Works with both perfected and non-perfected sets!Siroria tracks all important information related to your Siroria set. The main timer is the time remaining before you will drop your next circle, the top right counter is your current stack co

Trap 作者: Wheels

No one has made a better version of this yet unfortunately so I've taken it upon myself to at least improve this one a bit.Rebuilt the UI completely so it's not as ugly, added a few more options, as well as a fancy resize feature (a good sign for RaidBuf