
Reminderz 作者: Toirealach

Do you die during a trial boss or in PvP just to realize that you forgot to eat or drink your buff food before it ran out?Are you trying to loot corpses but you can't because your inventory is full? *NEW*Are you leveling a new toon and keep forgetting t

Pet Health Bars 作者: Ace'r

Pet Health Bars is an addon which adds groupframe style health bars for your pets.This addon is mainly targeted at the three Sorcerer pets (scamp, matriarch and atronach), but also works for other pets such as shadowrend and Nightblade's shadeCurrent Fea

BountyTimeDisplay 作者: AeolusDraco

Inspired by BountyTimer, this is a simple timer that integrates with the existing vanilla justice UI.*IMPORTANT NOTE*As it is integrated with the vanilla UI, it has the same limitations, such as not appearing in houses.