Light Attack Helper is a tool that helps you track your light attacks, it does this by incrementing a counter each time you actually hit a light attack.

Version 4.2
  • Fixed not working for nightblades on the german localization.
Version 4.1
  • Fixed for the german localization.
Version 4.0
  • Fixed the addon for the current patch (Sorry for the delay).
  • Added a debug mode, check bellow how to use if you are having issues.
This addon depends on the following libraries:
When you start to do light attack weaving normally you either do it too fast or too slow, the ideal is doing as fast as possible but still having the light attacks to register, this is where this addon comes in handy, to help you finding the sweet spot.

Since these days the light attacks are the most damaging ability, one of the best ways to improve dps is actually to perform better your light attack weaving. Light attack weaving is always using a light attack in between your skill abilities, this paired with animation canceling of the light attacks makes your damage spike, you can check on youtube for videos about Elder Scrolls Online animation canceling for further information.

The la/s is the light attacks per second from a fight. So if you want to push yourself try to increase this number as much as possible in your fights. I am tracking the light attacking information from the server, so the times will be influenced by your latency(ping), and the latency(ping) is not very constant so you might find a bit of floating values.

You can use /laprintfull to see the statistics from the parse, for example the max and min values to see if your parse was falwless, for example if you get a minimum lower than 800ms probably it means that you did 2 light attacks without a skill in between, and if the maximum is higher than 1800 probably means that you used two skills without a light attack in between (This of course depends on the skills used, as channeled skills will have a much longer light attack time in between).

  • /laprint - Prints the last combat's light attack / s ratio.
  • /laprintfull - Prints the last combat's full statisctics.
  • /lapost - Posts to the chat the last combat's light attack / s ratio (send to people).
  • /lapostfull - Posts to the chat the last combat's full statisctics (send to people)
  • /lareset - Resets the light attack counter to 0.

  1. The counter for ranged attacks will increment as soon as you shoot the light attack (if it knows it will hit) instead of when it actually hits, if it was on actual hit it would count the light attack after you barswap (if you do bar swap animation cancel) which feels a bit weird if you have the option to reset on barswap.
  2. The addon will not detect medium attacks from lightning and restoration staves, even if you enable counting the Heavy Attacks in the settings.

If the addon is not counting a Light or Heavy Attacks for a particular weapon, or at all (maybe because a different language) follow this instructions and post it in the comments.
  1. Enable Debug Mode in the addon settings (it's at the bottom of the settings).
  2. Type /reloadui in your chat to clear the chat.
  3. Using an attack dummy in a player house, perform a single Heavy or Light attack (the one that is not counting).
  4. You will see a bunch of information in the chat. Take a screenshot all the info (you might need several screenshots if it's a lot of info).
  5. Post the screenshot(s) in the comments section AND provide the information: Type of weapon (eg: Duel Wield), Game Language (eg: English), and a brief description of the problem.

Thanks @wambo for implementing LibChatMessage and making the libraries external.
Thanks WalterMort, FAR747, Beltroniko, mjbc, and nogetrandom for helping in the comments in my absence.
Thanks Anubis for providing the fix for the german localization.
Thanks Saenic for providing the fix for nightblades to work on german localization.
