Tracks the passive resource restore tick that occurs every 2 seconds. This is useful because (as of U28) if you stop blocking or sprinting before it ticks you will restore resources and can increase block/sprint uptime.

The yellow bar will fill. The tick will occur when it is full. The bar can be dragged around. I made the colors gaudy so they are easy to see when not looking directly at them. Feel free to change them for yourself in the xml. Google has a nice html color picker:

We only get notified when resources change, so this actually guesses when the next tick will happen. It checks the change of resources. If it matches the passive regen amount and is close to when we expect a tick to occur then it guesses that it was from passive regen. This means that you need to kick it off by letting at least one passive regen tick occur (by consuming resources and letting it regenerate).

I have not implemented settings and ui locking and probably never will. If you want to lock the control then feel free to edit the xml and set movable="false".

Worked around a bug in the animation backend so the bar animation works properly.
Version 3
Fixed bug where indicator would trigger on regen that's equal to the passive regen amount, but outside the expected time envelope.
Version 2
Compensate for server not correcting for latency despite the client predicting when the resource tick occurs. (fixes stopping sprint/block well before the bar fills, but not getting the regen tick)
