Having potion cooldown glyphs but don't want to waste heroism pots on cooldown?
Comp's Pot Swapper tracks your heroism uptime and swaps between 2 pre-defined quickslots depending on duration (Works with other buffs as well).

- Tracks minor heroism (default) duration and swaps between 2 pre-defined quickslots, depending on the duration left and the selected settings
- When switching the quickslot manually while the addon is on, the addon will switch back after a set delay
- Button to turn the addon on/off with colour indicator and manual swap delay timer
- Settings Menu:
- Buff ID to track (Minor Heroism is the default, can be changed to anything else)
- Quickslots to swap between
- Buff Threshold (How long the tracked buff has to be running for at least, to swap to secondary quickslot)
- Manual swap delay (How long for the addon to wait, before swapping back to the pre-defined quickslots, after a manual swap)

/potswapper - Turn the addon on/off

Dependencies: LibAddonMenu-2.0

Check out my other add-ons as well!
